
direct marketing
legal research
packaging research
snap test™
tourism research
voice brand research

On-site data collection is key for retailers, event planners, conference and convention organizers who want to obtain immediate feedback before, during or after an experience. But traditional on-site interviewing is inefficient, time consuming and often gets in the way of conducting “business.”
was created, tested and has proven to be far superior to any other approaches. This new methodology:
- allows one on-site interceptor to have multiple interviews going on simultaneously
- consists of personal interviews conducted via cell phone and CATI
- is executed by a team of professional interviewers centrally located and supervised
- can identify and interview hard-to-reach respondents
- can be completed quickly with hundreds of interviews completed in a very short time
- provides data “reads” during the interviewing period and shortly after all interviewing ends
- is cost effective with cpis considerably lower than traditional intercept methods.
can also be used to quickly recruit low incidence respondents in a cost-effective way.
- a breakthrough in onsite data collection.